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Exclusive Territory up to 200 zip codes For Only $14.95 Month
Live Transfers Right To Your Phone Call 800 492 0696
Exclusive Territory up to 200 zip codes For Only $14.95 Month
Telemarketing Final Expense Leads that are fresh, exclusive and in your states for just $29! Keep reading to learn how!
Please call here : 800 492 0696 .
One of the ways you can tell if a lead is going to be good is how many fields they have answered during the call, the more the better.
With these leads you get:
Try 20 of the $29 Telemarketing Final Expense Leads, if you are a typical agent you will find they have a better return on your investment than direct mail leads.
They are nicely profitable for about 90% of the agents. The close rates vary from 10% to 15% depending on the area, the agent and how many times you attempt to contact them. One of the nice things about telemarketing leads is that at least once in their life they answered the phone! It's possible we just got lucky though, so we recommend calling them until they answer the phone.
If you want cheaper Leads and are willing to work a lot harder, you may want to try our $1 Final Expense leads.
If you want face to face final expense leads, we recommend the $26
Order final expense leads now Call 800 492 0696 today. How fast do the leads come in?
Final Expense Leads usually get sent to you within a few days.
What do the Leads look like?
They come in an excel file that has the name, address, phone, email, beneficiary, age, favorite color, etc. as well as a link to the recording of the call.
Leads are available in counties of the following states Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina,
South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
How are they produced?
People who are not on the do-not-call list or the professional litigators file are called and asked if they are interested in a quote for final expense insurance. If they are interested, there is a brief phone interview where they are asked questions about how much coverage they want, their beneficiary, favorite color and so on.
Are they any good, how fresh are they, why are they so cheap?
The gold standard is direct mail, but direct mail final expense leads take weeks to come in, and are more expensive. These leads are comparable to direct mail, come in much faster and cost about 1/2 of what a direct mail lead costs. These will be about a day old, usually from the same day or the previous day. They are cheap because we sell a lot of them. Over 90% of agents are making sales and reorder them. Agents are reporting average close rates of 10% to 15% or better. If you are doing telesales with a dialer and don't mind chewing through ninety nine leads to make a sale, we recommend different Leads.
Lately I've been spending $30-$50 to get a good Final Expense Lead. Why are yours only $29 for an exclusive lead?
We add your area to an existing campaign that has been successfully running for a long time, so the process is fully optimized. You are tapping into a much larger campaign so you benefit from economies of scale. These also aren't direct mail leads, so you get them a lot faster.
What is your refund policy?
Each of our leads are only sold to one agent, there are no refunds, although if you ever get duplicate Leads (which means they went through the entire process twice, which probably means you forgot to call them the first time) then we will replace the duplicates. And of course if we can't fill the order you will get a refund for any leads we can't get you.
How large of a geographical area should I get Leads in?
At least one state.
800 492 0696
Final Expense Leads - Buy Final Expense Leads Today
Final Expense Leads that are relatively fresh, and in your state Reguarly $1
for just 69 cents! Keep reading to learn how!
Please call here : 800 492 0696
Here is what the agents are saying about our Final Expense Leads:
Try 1,000 of the 69 Cent Aged Final Expense Leads, if you are a typical agent you will find they have the best return on investment of any leads you have bought.
They are profitable for about 90% of the agents. The close rates vary from 2% to 8% depending on the area, the agent and how many times you attempt to contact them.
Order final expense leads now Call 800 492 0696 today. How fast do the leads come in?
Final Expense Leads usually get sent to you within 1-4 business days.
What do the Leads look like?
They come in an excel file that has the name, address, phone, email, date of birth and the date they filled out the form. The also have Jornaya ReadID tokens! (That's the proof they are "real" leads)
How are they produced?
People have gone online and requested information about a Life or Final Expense policy and answered some basic questions. Consumers often don't understand the difference between Life and Final Expense, so we target the prospects by age, depending on what product you want to sell.
Are they any good, how fresh are they, why are they so cheap?
These are leads with Jornaya/RealID tokens, the Gold Standard proof that they are real leads. These are leads that have been attempted to be reached by one agent for 45 days. Sometimes people don't answer the phone when it's a long distance number, sometimes they don't answer the phone when it's a local number. Some people are more likely to buy from a woman, some are more likely to buy from a man. By getting leads that have only been worked by a single agent, you get the best combination of quality and price. For many agents that order statewide we can get them enough Leads that are 45-65 days old to keep them busy making sales the following week, some states like North Dakota just don't have very many people living there. Over 90% of agents are making sales and reorder them. Agents are reporting average close rates of 5% or better when selling face to face. Agents selling over the phone will probably do better in the states in the central and mountain time zones, but agents are succeeding around the country.
These look like the shared Leads I am paying $6 for. Why are yours only $1 Each?
(Now Only 69 Cents Each)
A Lead may be sold, resold and marketed up several times before it gets to an agent. You are getting a better price by buying directly from us.
So other people are reselling your Leads and marking them up?
Possibly. We only sell each Lead once, so you shouldn't buy the exact same Leads from someone else as you get from us but they may look identical.
What is your refund policy?
Each of our leads are only sold to one agent, there are no refunds, although if you ever get duplicate Leads then we will replace the duplicates.
How large of a geographical area should I get Leads in?
We produce thousands of Leads each day across the country, but the larger the area you get Leads in, the fresher the Leads will be. As a general Rule, it's a good idea to get final expense leads in all the Midwest and mountain states you are licensed in. The East coast and West coast states are generally harder to make sales in. On the other hand, those states are usually more expensive to get leads in and our leads are always the same price.
Leads are available in the following states Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina,
South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming
800 492 0696
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